Gost emisije “Među nama” bio je Zoran Živković, osnivač “Nove stranke” i centra za razvoj građamskog društva “Milenijum”.


On se na samom početku svog gostovanja dotakao poslednjeg incidenta sa migrantima u Subotici.

„Situacija sa migrantima je posledica politike vlasti“, kazao je Živković.

Osvrnuo se i gradsku vlast koju je preuzeo Aleksandar Šapić.

“Ekipa koja vodi Beograd, teško da bi mogla da vodi pečenjaru”, rekao je Živković.

Kada je reč o slučaju Dijane Hrkalović, Živković ističe da se čeka “da Vučić prestane da kuka”, da bi se slučaj rešio kako treba.

Istakao je i da su za demokratičnost potrebni mediji koji su slobodni.

Živković for Nova S: The team that runs Belgrade could hardly run a bakeryŽivković for Nova S: The team that runs Belgrade could hardly run a bakery

The guest of the show “Među nama” was Zoran Živković, the founder of the “New Party” and the center for the development of civil society “Millenijum”.

At the very beginning of his guest appearance, he touched upon the latest incident with migrants in Subotica. “The situation with migrants is a consequence of the government’s policy,” said Živković. He also referred to the city government that was taken over by Aleksandar Šapić. “The team that runs Belgrade could hardly run a bakery,” said Živković. When it comes to the case of Dijana Hrkalović, Živković points out that he is waiting “for Vučić to stop whining” in order for the case to be resolved properly. He also pointed out that democracy requires free media.