Izvršni direktor MilenijuMa, Zoran Živković ističe za N1 da bi “Vučić izgubio beogradske izbore samo da je opozicija nastupila zajedno, zašto je tako kilavo sarađivala, kontrolisala izbore, zašto se samozvani lider opozicije sastao sa Vučićem posle izbora… sve nam to govori“.
Na pitanje o slučaju Hrkalović – Stefanović, Živković smatra da „Neko je prisluškivao Vučića, predsednika države ne smeš da prisluškuješ, pa makar to bio Vučić, neko od njih dvoje bi već trebalo da bude osuđen”.
„Borimo se za nešto što je trebalo da ostvarimo odavno, mogli smo da uđemo u EU kad i Hrvatska. Generalno, srpska vlada treba da čini da Srbija ne bude samo lepa zemlja, već da se poštuju zakoni koji postoje, da se donesu novi neophodni, da mediji budu slobodni u pravom smislu reči, da se ljudi ne plaše od države, već da u njoj vide pomoć i spas“, ukazuje Živković, na pitanje o očekivanjima o novoj vladi Srbije.
Dodaje da mu je „muka od toga što se predstavlja opozicijom“.
„Predlažem da se ekipa mog uzrasta, pre svega po stažu u politici, povuče potpuno iz političkog života, ja sam se povukao sa nekih stranačkih funkcija, ali treba da se potpuno povučemo, da damo prostor novim ljudima, da ih ne opterećujemo našom prošlošču, nemam čega da se stidim, ponosan sam na to što smo radili, što smo vratili Srbiju u normalan život, to što sam imao važne uloge u pobedi nad autoratirnim vlastima Miloševića“, poručuje Živković.
Kaže da je zbog toga što je posle 5. oktobra propuštena da bude urađena lustracija i ispitavnje porekla imovine došlo do kontrarevolucije, koja je ponovo na scenu dovela Tomislava Nikolića, Aleksandra Vučića i Ivicu Dačića.
Živković for N1: Vučić would have lost the elections in Belgrade if the opposition had acted together
The executive director of MilenijuM, Zoran Živković, points out for N1 that “Vučić would have lost the Belgrade elections only if the opposition had acted together, why did it cooperate so badly, controlled the elections, why did the self-proclaimed leader of the opposition meet with Vučić after the elections… it all tells us”.
When asked about the Hrkalović – Stefanović case, Živković believes that “Someone eavesdropped on Vučić, you must not eavesdrop on the president of the state, even if it was Vučić, one of the two should already be convicted”.
“We are fighting for something that we should have achieved a long time ago, we could have entered the EU when Croatia did.” In general, the Serbian government should ensure that Serbia is not only a beautiful country, but that the existing laws are respected, that necessary new ones are adopted, that the media are free in the true sense of the word, and that people are not afraid of the state, but that in it they see help and salvation”, points out Živković when asked about the expectations of the new government of Serbia.
He adds that he is “sick of being presented as the opposition”.
“I suggest that the team of my age, primarily in terms of seniority in politics, retire completely from political life, I retired from some party positions, but we should retire completely, to give space to new people, not to burden them with our past, I have nothing to be ashamed of, I am proud of what we did, that we returned Serbia to a normal life, that I played an important role in the victory over the authoritarian government of Milošević,” says Živković.
He says that because the lustration and investigation of the origin of the property were missed after October 5, a counter-revolution took place, which brought Tomislav Nikolić, Aleksandar Vučić, and Ivica Dačić back to the scene.