Izvršni direktor MilenijuMa, Zoran Živković, učestvovao je na panelu “Prvih 10 godina pregovora: Jubilej za proslavu ili za zabrinutost?” održanom u Podgorici u organizaciji Centra za demokratsku tranziciju.


Nekadašnji premijer Srbije Zoran Živković istakao je da je vlada Zorana Đinđića nešto najbolje što se desilo Srbiji i što je vratilo na pravi put. “Učinili smo sve da Srbija postane velika Srbija, ne po guslama i gajdama već da bude najodgovornija”, rekao je on.

Dodao je da je velika odgovornost na EU što je dopustila da se desi ovo što se sada dešava ali da odgovornost snose ovdašnji političari.

“EU je ponudila Jugoslaviji da uđe u EU preko reda, ne zato što su nas voleli, već je bilo dobro da se pokaže da jedna socijalistička komunistička zemlja može da postane deo Evrope. To je ponuđeno Miloševiću i Tuđmanu i oni su to odbili jer su imali zaključak da će da budu Tito. Kako se postaje Tito – kroz rat i naravno da se započinje rat u Bosni”, rekao je Živković i dodao da je dolazak Aleksandra Vučića na vlast kontrarevolucija. “Spreman je da se zakune u život svakog građanina Srbije za EU, a paralelno sa tim u njegovim medijima ide pljuvačina EU i veličanje Rusije”, kazao je Živković.

On je ocenio da će uvek biti sukoba. “Uvek ćemo imati Ukrajinu, ali ovdje mora da se uradi nešto što će biti trajna garancija mira na Balkanu – članstvo svih država u EU”, kazao je bivši premijer Srbije.


Pored Živkovića, na panelu su takođe učestvovali i nekadašnja premijerka Hrvatske Jadranka Kosor, novinar i diplomata Zlatko Dizdarević, kao i ministar spoljnih poslova Crne Gore, Ranko Krivokapić. Moderator panela bio je Dragan Koprivica, izvršni direktor CDTa.

Živković on the panel of the Center for Democratic Transition

The Executive Director of MilenijuM, Zoran Živković, participated in the panel “The first 10 years of negotiations: Jubilee for celebration or for concern?” held in Podgorica organized by the Center for Democratic Transition

The former Prime Minister of Serbia, Zoran Živković, pointed out that the government of Zoran Đinđić was the best thing that happened to Serbia and brought it back on the right track. “We did everything to make Serbia a great Serbia, not by fiddles and bagpipes, but by being the most responsible,” he said.

He added that the EU bears a great responsibility for allowing what is happening now to happen, but that the responsibility lies with local politicians. “The EU offered Yugoslavia to join the EU over the line, not because they loved us, but it was good to show that a socialist-communist country can become part of Europe. This was offered to Milošević and Tuđman and they refused it because they had concluded that they would be Tito. How does one become Tito – through war and of course starting a war in Bosnia”, said Živković and added that the coming to power of Aleksandar Vučić was a counter-revolution.

“He is ready to swear the life of every citizen of Serbia for the EU, and in parallel with that in his media there is spitting of the EU and glorification of Russia”, said Živković. He assessed that there will always be conflicts. “We will always have Ukraine, but something must be done here that will be a permanent guarantee of peace in the Balkans – the membership of all countries in the EU,” said the former Prime Minister of Serbia.

In addition to Živković, former Prime Minister of Croatia Jadranka Kosor, journalist and diplomat Zlatko Dizdarević, as well as the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Montenegro, Ranko Krivokapić, also participated in the panel. The moderator of the panel was Dragan Koprivica, executive director of CDT.