“Sankcije i bombardovanje su velika greška. Ne mogu da verujem da je to što se desilo građanima Srbije cilj međunarodne zajednice. Režim Miloševića nije kažnjen, a običan narod se kažnjava svakodnevno.”Pogledajte snimak govora izvršnog direktora Centra za razvoj građanskog društva MilenijuM i osnivača Nove stranke Zoran Živković na Parlamentarnoj skupštini NATO, održanoj u Budimpešti 30. maja 2000. godine:
“Sanctions and bombing are a big mistake. I can’t believe that what happened to the citizens of Serbia is the goal of the international community. The Milosevic regime was not punished, and ordinary people are punished every day.”
Look at the video of the speech of the executive director of the MilenijuM and the founder of the New Party, Zoran Živković, at the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, held in Budapest on May 30, 2000.