Zoran Živković
Predsednik, izvršni direktor – President, Executive director
SOCIAL MEDIA: Facebook – Twitter – Instagram
CONTACT: predsednik@milenijum.net
Rođen je 22. decembra 1960. godine u Nišu.
Počeo je da se bavi politikom kada se učlanio u Demokratsku stranku, aprila 1992. godine, čiji je do tada bio sponzor, i nakon izbora 1993. godine ulazi u Skupštinu Srbije kao narodni poslanik. Poslanik ostaje do 1997. godine.
Od 1993. do 1995. bio je predsednik gradskog odbora Demokratske stranke u Nišu, od 1994. godine, četiri puta je biran za potpredsednika i zamenika predsednika stranke.
Posle velikih demonstracija 1996/97. postao je gradonačelnik Niša, a na tu funkciju izabran je i 2000. godine.
Od 1997. do 1999. predsedavao je Stalnom konferencijom opština i gradova Jugoslavije i Savezom slobodnih gradova.
Nakon petog oktobra 2000. izabran je za saveznog ministra unutrašnjih poslova.
Posle ubistva dr Zorana Đinđića izabran je za predsednika Vlade Republike Srbije.
Marta 2004. godine povlači se iz politike i osniva Centar za razvoj građanskog društva MilenijuM i vraća se privatnom poslu.
U aprilu 2013. osniva Novu stranku čiji je predsednik bio do 2020. godine i za to vreme dva puta biran za narodnog poslanika 2014. i 2017. godine.
2020. povlači se sa mesta predsednika Nove stranke i ponovo pokreće MilenijuM.
Zoran Živković, born on December 22, 1960 in Niš, embarked on his political journey in April 1992, when he joined the Democratic Party, of which he had previously served as a sponsor. In the following year, he was elected to the Serbian Parliament, where he served as a member until 1997. During this time, he was elected as party vice president and deputy president on four occasions. From 1993 to 1995, he held the position of president of the city board of the Democratic Party in Niš.
In 1996 and 1997, following a series of demonstrations, he was elected as the Mayor of Niš, a position he held until 2000. During this time, he also chaired the Permanent Conference of Municipalities and Cities of Yugoslavia and the Association of Free Cities from 1997 to 1999.
In 2000, he was elected as Federal Minister of the Interior. After the assassination of Dr. Zoran Đinđić, he was appointed as the Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia.
In March 2004, he retired from politics and founded the Center for the Development of Civil Society MilenijuM, dedicating himself to private business. In April 2013, he founded the New Party, of which he served as president until 2020. During this time, he was elected twice as a member of the Serbian Parliament in 2014 and 2017.
In 2020, he stepped down as president of the New Party and re-established the MilenijuM, with a renewed focus on civil society development.

Marko Živković
Programski koordinator – Program Coordinator
SOCIAL MEDIA: Facebook – Twitter – Instagram
CONTACT: marko@milenijum.net
Rođen je u Nišu 21. septembra 1997.
Od 2014. do danas učestvovao je u organizaciji mnogih humanitarnih događaja kao što su “Gimnazijada”, “Koš za sreću”, “Sportsko leto fontana” i mnogi drugi.
Takođe učestvuje u organizaciji brojnih sportskih, kulturnih i političkih događaja.
Pohađao je brojne seminare i projekte između ostalih “Dvostruki teret” Goethe Instituta, Beogradski međunarodni model Ujedinjenih nacija, Regionalnu liberalnu političku akademiju, Fondacije Boris Divković iz BIH , Youth can do it, događaja u organizaciji poslaničke grupe Renew Europe u Evropskom parlamentu, ALPI (Advanced Leadership in Politics Institute) u organizaciji Međunarodnog republikanskog instituta.
Član je LYMECa, evropske liberalne omladine.
Njegov rad “The Western Balkans on their way to EU membership” objavljen je u publikaciji koju su zajedno izdali LYMEC i European Liberal Forum.
Učestvuje u organizaciji FIlmskog festivala Obnova u Novom Sadu, kao koordinator protokola.
Radi u američkoj kompaniji koja se bavi prodajom i lizingom.
Marko Živković, born in Niš on September 21, 1997, has been actively engaged in community service since 2014. He has participated in the organization of numerous charity events such as “Gimnazijada,” “Koš za sreću,” “Sportsko leto Fontana,” and many others. He has also been involved in organizing sports, cultural, and political events.
In addition to his community involvement, Marko has attended several seminars and projects, including “Doppelte Last” by the Goethe Institute, the Belgrade International Model of United Nations, the Regional Liberal Political Academy by the Boris Divković Foundation from Bosnia and Herzegovina, “Youth can do it,” an event organized by the Renew Europe parliamentary group in the European Parliament, and the Advanced Leadership in Politics Institute organized by the International Republican Institute.
Marko is a member of the European liberal youth – LYMEC, and his work “The Western Balkans on their way to EU membership” was published jointly by LYMEC and European Liberal Forum. He also serves as the protocol coordinator for the “Obnova” film festival in Novi Sad.
In addition to his community and political involvement, Marko is currently employed as a sales and leasing professional in an American company.

dr Srđan M. Jovanović
Koordinator projekata – Project Coordinator
CONTACT: srdjan@milenijum.net
Rođen 1981. u Beogradu.
Srđan M. Jovanović je naučnik, kao i urednik i rukovodilac projekta sa velikim iskustvom u akademskim i profesionalnim oblastima. Pored svog doktorata, odbranjenog na Palackijevom univerzitetu u Češkoj, magistrirao je evropske studije i diplomirao lingvistiku na Univerzitetu u Beogradu. Od 2018. radi kao vanredni profesor na Univerzitetu Nankai u Kini, gde vodi nastavu vođenu istraživanjem, daje smernice i povratne informacije studentima i doprinosi razvoju i postizanju strategije univerziteta, fakulteta i škole.
Pored akademskog iskustva, Jovanović ima i bogato profesionalno iskustvo. Radio je kao projektni službenik u Helsinškom odboru za ljudska prava u Beogradu i kao potpredsednik zadužen za spoljne poslove, vezu i komunikaciju Nove stranke u Beogradu. U ovim ulogama, stekao je iskustvo u profesionalnom prevođenju, istraživanju i sticanju grantova, kao i uslugama upravljanja uredničkim projektima u vezi sa publikacijama, pisanjem i uređivanjem.
Jovanović tečno govori i nekoliko jezika. Osim što je dvojezičan na srpskom i engleskom jeziku, dobro poznaje švedski i češki jezik. Takođe poseduje nivo B2 znanja nemačkog i ruskog jezika; u stanju je da čita i razgovara na norveškom, slovačkom, poljskom i italijanskom.
Born in 1981, in Belgrade.
Srđan M. Jovanović is a scholar, as well as an editorial and project manager with extensive experience in both academic and professional fields. In addition to his Ph.D. in History from Palacký University in Olomouc, he holds a M.A. in European Studies and a diploma in Linguistics from the University of Belgrade. He has been working as an Associate Professor at Nankai University in China since 2018, where he conducts research-led teaching, provides guidance and feedback to students, and contributes to the development and achievement of University, faculty, and school strategy.
In addition to his academic experience, Jovanović has a wealth of professional experience as well. He has worked as a Project Officer at the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Belgrade and as Vice President in Charge of Foreign Affairs, Liaising, and Communication for the New Party in Belgrade. In these roles, he has gained experience in professional translation, research, and grant acquisition, as well as editorial project management services regarding publications, writing, and editing.
Jovanović is also fluent in several languages. In addition to being bilingual in Serbian and English, he is proficient in Swedish and Czech. He also has B2-level proficiency in German and Russian. He is also able to read and converse in Norwegian, Slovak, Polish, and Italian.

Uroš Eleković
Saradnik na projektu – Project Assistant
CONTACT: elekovic@milenijum.net
Rođen u Beogradu 1994. godine.
Završio je srednju školu “Tehnoart” smer grafički dizajner i Akademiju lepih i primenjenih umetnosti u u Beogradu.
Pohađao je brojne seminare i projekte između ostalih Regionalnu liberalnu političku akademiju, Fondacije Boris Divković iz BIH , nekolicinu događaja u organizaciji poslaničke grupe Renew Europe, ALPI (Advanced Leadership in Politics Institute) u organizaciji Međunarodnog republikanskog instituta.
Od 2018. je u privatnom biznisu, kao osnivač i direktor firme “Touch n touch”.
Born in Belgrade in 1994.
He graduated from “Tehnoart” high school, majoring in graphic design, and the Academy of Fine and Applied Arts in Belgrade.
He attended numerous seminars and projects, including the Regional Liberal Political Academy, the Boris Divković Foundation from Bosnia and Herzegovina, several events organized by the Renew Europe parliamentary group, ALPI (Advanced Leadership in Politics Institute) organized by the International Republican Institute.
Since 2018, he has been in private business, as the founder and director of the company “Touch n touch”.

Uroš Tasković
Saradnik na projektu – Project Assistant
CONTACT: taskovic@milenijum.net
Rođen je u Nišu 07.02.1993.
2013. godine jedan je od osnivača Rotarakt kluba Niš-Medijana. Obavlja funkcije Sekretara 2014./2015., Potpredsednika 2015./2016., Predsenika 2017./2018. Rotarakt kluba. Inicijator je mnogih kako servisnih, tako i humanitarnih akcija koje su doprinele poboljšanju funkcionisanja lokalne zajednice. Akcije koje su se ticale promocije zdravlja i sporta, poboljšanju uslova za lakše funkcionisanje lica sa određenim stepenom invaliditeta, kao i organizacija mnogih edukativnih tribina na temu zdravlja i preduzetništva(„Limformiši se“,Start up now“). Takođe, uzeo učešće u globalnim projektima organizacije za delovanje na teritoriji Republike Srbije i grada Niša.
Tokom studentskih dana iskazuje inetersovanja ka raznim oblicima studetskog organizovanja. Akademske 2015./2016. godinu postaje Sekretar Studentskog parlamenta Univerziteta u Nišu gde osim obavljanja tehničke funkcije sekretara uzima i učešće svim projektima i akcijama, poput „Nedelja studenata Univerziteta u Nišu“, “Osmeh na dar“ itd.
Prošao mnoge edukacije iz oblasti javnog nastupa, javnog zagovaranja. Od 2014. do 2016. učestvuje na takmičenju u besedništvu u organizaciji Pravnog fakulteta Univerziteta u Nišu gde osvaja dva puta drugo i jednom treće mesto.
Od marta 2014. do marta 2018. bavi se privatnim biznisom. Trenutno zaposlen u domaćoj kompaniji koja posluje na teritoriji SAD-a u oblasti logistike i transporta.
He was born on February 7, 1993, in Niš.
He was a founding member of Rotaract Club Niš-Medijana in 2013. He served as Secretary from 2014 to 2015, Vice President from 2015 to 2016, and President from 2017 to 2018. He is the initiator of many service and humanitarian actions which helped the local community. These actions included promoting health and sports, improving conditions for people with disabilities, and organizing many educational forums on health and entrepreneurship (“Limformiši se”, “Startup now”). Additionally, he participated in global projects of the Rotary organization on the territory of Serbia and Nis.
During his college days, he was interested in various student organization forms. In the academic year 2015/2016, he became Secretary of the Student Parliament of the University of Nis, where in addition to performing technical functions as secretary, he also participated in all projects and actions such as “Week of Students of the University of Nis”, “Smile as a gift”, etc.
He took many educations and lectures from many fields such as Public Relations and Public Advocacy. From 2014. do 2016. he participates in public speaking competitions, where he wins second place (two times) and third place (one time).
From 03/2014 until 03/2018 he was engaged in private business. He currently works for a domestic company that operates in the United States in the field of logistics and transportation.

Ognjen Savić
Saradnik na projektu – Project Assistant
CONTACT: ognjen@milenijum.net
Rođen 08.jula 1986. godine u Kragujevcu.
Aktivizmom se bavi od 2017. godine .
Učestvovao u programu ALPI (Advanced Leadership in Politics Institute) u organizaciji Međunarodnog Republikanskog Instituta (IRI) gde je u prvoj generaciji polaznika bio među tri najbolja polaznika.
Poslovnu karijeru izgradio na poslovima menadžmenta u prodaji u internacionalnim kompanijama u FMCG sektoru i kompanijama koje se bave prodajom keramike.
Born on July 8, 1986, in Kragujevac.
He has been an activist since 2017.
Participated in the ALPI (Advanced Leadership in Politics Institute) program organized by the International Republican Institute (IRI), where he was among the top three participants in the first generation of participants.
He built his business career in sales management positions in international companies in the FMCG sector and companies that sell ceramics.

Dr Veran Stančetić
Political Consultant
CONTACT: veran.stancetic@fpn.bg.ac.rs
Rođen 1981. u Šapcu.
Veran Ž. Stančetić je naučnik i univerzitetski nastavnik. Oblasti ekspertize su mu javno upravljanje i javne politike. Doktorirao je na Fakultetu političkih nauka u Beogradu 2010. u oblasti reforme javnog upravljanja sa fokusom na procese decentralizacije i regionalizacije u evropskim državama. Na istom fakultetu je magistrirao 2008. i diplomirao 2005. godine. Prvo formalno radno iskustvo je stekao kao državni službenik radeći u Ministarstvu ekonomije I regionalnog razvoja (2008-2011). Nakon toga karijeru nastavlja u akademskoj sferi radeći na Fakultetu za evropske pravno političke studije u Novom Sadu (2011-2018) a potom na Fakultetu političkih nauka (od 2018. godine).
Pored oficijelnog posla, Stančetić se dosta angažovao na praktičnom doprinosu našem društvu promovisanjem principa dobrog upravljanja i poželjnog pravca reformi, kroz pokretanje stručnih portala, časopisa, okrugle stolove i brojne tekstove u dnevnim listovima.
Autor je pet knjiga (monografija) i većeg broja naučnih članaka.
Veran Z. Stančetić is a highly qualified scientist and university educator who specializes in the field of governance and public policies. He obtained his doctorate from the Faculty of Political Sciences in Belgrade in 2010, focusing on the processes of decentralization and regionalization in European countries. Prior to that, he received his master’s degree from the same faculty in 2008 and graduated in 2005.
Stančetić began his professional career as a civil servant in the Ministry of Economy and Regional Development from 2008 to 2011. He then transitioned to the academic sphere, working at the Faculty of European Legal and Political Studies in Novi Sad from 2011 to 2018 and later at the Faculty of Political Sciences starting in 2018.
In addition to his official duties, Stančetić has made significant contributions to society by promoting the principles of good governance and the direction of necessary reforms through the launch of professional portals, magazines, round tables, and numerous articles in daily newspapers. He is the author of five books and a significant number of scientific articles.